Who the heck is Jess Koehler?!

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Here’s the skinny…

I’m a maternity + family photographer based in Los Angeles.

My mission is to help parents document the heart + soul of childhood. I’m a total sucker for creating meaningful moments, words, and experiences as a way to connect more to those we love. When clients have a similar framework and openness, we create something beautiful together.

As a single mama of two, I GET what it’s like to be raising children in Los Angeles. I’m right there with you. There is something special about how my work closely dances with my own life experiences. I take it all as inspiration in how I create photo stories for my clients.

For nearly 20 years, I’ve been professionally in the photo industry. Between commercial advertising to global travel for non-profit documentary stories, to estate + interiors - it always came back to one core storyline.

Family + Home

That’s what I’ve loved the most. That’s what I’d kept photographing, no matter the genre in previous years.

Now, 95% of my work is with private family clients and

If you are interested in creating together, please don’t hesitate to schedule a call so we can connect.


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Photos by Brooke Schultz